

CGS at the Industrial Gas Conference Dubai

Taking place from 18th – 20th September, 2017 at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai.

This year gasworld celebrates 10 years of industrial gas conferences, and...

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Electrician wanted!

We are looking with immediate effect for:


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Espresso Magazine - Review 40 Years CGS

The espresso magazine (issue - October 2016) wrote a little review about our 40 Years CGS anniversary.
We say THANK YOU and hope you enjoy reading the article.


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40 Years CGS

At the 9th September we've been celebrating our 40-Years-CGS anniversary.
Sit back and enjoy lots of impressions while watching the photos...

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Newsletter 02/2061


The time has come.
Visit us from the
31/05 - 02/06 at the
Automotive Testing Expo
at Stuttgart. Booth #1367

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Newsletter 01/2016

In exhaust gas measurement accurate controlled temperatures through the whole sampling section are very important.
In order to ensure that we developed a new member of the XT-Line family.
The external temperature controller, type XT-T1.

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Merry Christmas

At the end of the year we'd like to say a big thank you!
Thank you for every partnership!
Thank you for every productive collaboration
that motivated us every day!
Thank you for trusting in us!

We wish you with your family
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Your CGS Team

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Newsletter 03/2015

XT-Line - The NEXT GENERATION of exhaust gas switching units !

The XT-Line family is getting bigger and bigger. Next to the Pre-Filter-Units XT-F1 and XT-F2 also the Switching-Units XT-U1 and XT-U2 are ready in the know CGS-Quality.
With that, the usage of one single measuring station at various test benches can be realised.

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CGS at the Automotive Testing Expo 2016

CGS at the Automotive Testing Expo 2016

Even in 2016 CGS will be a part of the Automotive Testing Expo at Stuttgart.
Get ready for some new things to come... We're looking forward to meeting you!

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CGS at the ACHEMA 2015

For the first time CGS Prozessanalytik GmbH has been at the Achema 2015 at Frankfurt as an exhibitor. The main focus was in terms of trace analysis, for which the market is served by CGS with individual and compact gas preparations and sample gas switching modules for more than 30 years.

We'd like to thank all our visitors for being so interested. Every single conversation with new contacts, colleagues and partners or already existing customers was a desire to us.

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