Guidepost 12/2009

CGS-Guidepost 12/2009
CGS-Guidepost 12/2009

Dear Business Partners,

Today I am pleased to be able to present you the second newsletter of the company CGS Analysen-, Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH.

Within a year, a lot has changed in our company. True to our slogan "Made in Germany, Made in Bavaria"
last year we invested in diverse areas. We upgraded our CNC manufacturing in such a way that we have now doubled our manufacturing capacity... But not only in the field of our company a lot has changed. Even in the private sector, something did. I am pleased to announce to you the birth of my grandson Josef.

In the company management there was a change in the year of 2010. My son Christian changed from the department "Licht- und Tontechnik" to the sales-team of CGS Analysen-, Mess- und Regeltechnik.

I wish you lots of fun by "Browsing" our guide.

Your's Sincerely
Alfons Geyer


Click here to download the Guidepost 12/2009.