Guidepost 12/2010

CGS-Guidepost 12/2010
CGS-Guidepost 12/2010

Dear Business Partners,

life is getting more and more complex, especially in the field of measurement technology. Now many people create on their own land power with the help of solar panels, wind turbines or hydropower.

Because of this change, CGS is setting the right course for the next decades and expanded its capacity in the development and testing of new products in the purpose-built laboratory.

There is a clear requirement to optimize the processes and procedures in automation for our customers in the long term. Standardization and recurring automated processes - whether in the design, manufacture or maintenance - we see it in combination with the different data flows as a challenge.

The key to this success lies in the continuity and availability of products from the beginning to the end of a products life.

Focused on the needs of our customers, which we might justify by technology and price. Employees who are willing to educate theirselfes and work responsibly, are a matter of course for the CGS team.

Doing so, junior managing director Christian passed his master-exam of "event technology specialist - hall" at the Chamber of Commerce at Karlsruhe.

We hope you enjoy reading the third guidepost of our company.